Based on our experience of over 29 years working with leading companies through the application of proven effective practices and methodologies, we have developed a set of solutions that help enhance organizations’ performance, productivity and processes.


We support our customers in the development of transformation projects oriented towards the strengthening of Company’s channel and customer care strategies, identifying opportunities to improve value propositions to customers and achieving positive results for the Company.

– Credit for individuals: Initial access to credit, scoring, supervision and risk monitoring, assessment automation, management of behavior alerts and preventive management.
– Credit for organizations: Initial access to credit, digitalization and electronic file management, margin management by group and by company, supervision and risk monitoring.
– Debt collection and recovery processes: Delinquent debt collection, prejudicial and judicial proceedings, dashboard implementation, integration with third-parties involved in the process.

Within today’s competitive business environment, defining the strategic course of the IT Area is an essential decision of a company’s management team.
The selection of an appropriate evolution path for Information Systems is key to achieve business effectiveness and innovation. ver

Asistimos a áreas de Riesgos, Créditos y Gestión de Cobranzas en el desarrollo y la gestión de sus iniciativas:
– Definición de Estrategias para distintos segmentos y grupos de riesgo. Utilización de la mejor estrategia contemplando el producto, el segmento, el comportamiento y el riesgo.
– Diseño e implantación de Modelos Organizacionales y Operativos de todos los tramos del ciclo.

We support our customers in the development of transformation projects capable of optimizing commercial processes, achieving a positive impact in customers’ satisfaction and favorable results for the Company.
– Improvement of Commercial Processes.
– Improvement of Product Design and Campaigns.
– Mergers and Acquisitions.

Cash logistics: Redefinition of cash stock policies in Central Treasury and branches. Money orders from/to channels. Restructuring of cash logistics area. Outsourcing evaluation for money transportation and storage services.

Documents and Guaranties: Rationalization of physical documents and use of magnetic tools. Centralization of documents and their administration, search and destruction. Organizational transformation, internal processes and infrastructure of General and Guarantee Files. Implementation of automatic controls for document tracking.

We answer to companies’ needs through a systemic approach in order to redefine organizational structures and allow their alignment with set objectives and strategies, enhancing performance in terms of operating effectiveness and adaptability to context and business changes.
– Redefinition of organizational structures.
– Reorganization in the event of mergers and acquisitions.
– Sourcing and Capacity Management strategies.
– Development of Shared Service Centers.

– Finance.
– Common Investment Funds.
– Private Banking.
– Stock-listing Companies.